St David’s Park Play Area Improvements

St David’s Park Play Area Improvements

October 2023. Earlier this year members of HKCC recognised that this small play area between Blantern Road and Greenfield Avenue required some remedial works and agreed at the February meeting to arrange a site meeting with Flintshire County Council (FCC) to review repair and maintenance requirements.

Following this site meeting, FCC made arrangements to replace the swings and to refurbish the remaining items of play equipment as required with the cost being met by FCC via Section 106 funding for play space improvements and additionally agreed to install a pedestrian gate from the alleyway entrance off Blantern Road to improve safety for little ones.

The works were completed in August and the before and after photos hopefully demonstrate the improvements to the play area which has a range of play equipment to appeal to younger children. The location map pinpoints the play area and we would welcome your comments and feedback regarding the recent improvements.