Village Spring Bulb Planting

November 2022. Members of the Council have been liaising with Flintshire County Council with the aim of adding some nature enhancements to the village. Towards the end of October some Council members, along with village residents, both young and not so young, spent a couple of hours one afternoon with Sophie Roberts, the Flintshire bio-diversity officer, and her team planting spring bulbs in selected areas of the village. Despite some unpromising weather the group managed to plant some 3500 bulbs, a mix of tulips, bluebell, snake’s head fritillary and wood anemone, in grass areas in front of the Scout Hall and in the orchard on Main Road Recreation Ground. Hard work but great fun, it was nice to see everyone getting stuck in. We really can’t wait to see how it all turns out when the bulbs spring forth early next year. Many thanks to everybody who came down and helped out, it was much appreciated by everyone on the Council