Response to The Swan planning application
April 2020
LOCATION: Land at the Swan Inn, 41 Main Road, Higher Kinnerton, Chester,
PROPOSAL: Demolition of existing outbuilding, erection of decking and reconfiguration of existing car park and the erection of 3no. residential dwellings, landscaping, car parking and all associated development.
I refer to the Planning Local Planning Authority’s consultation in respect of the above planning application.
There are a number of objections and observations which members of Higher Kinnerton Community Council (HKCC) wish to raise in respect of the Planning Application and a number of issues members consider should be clarified prior to the determination of the Planning Application which are as follows:
- PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT (Section 5 – Design and Access Statement)
That part of the Design and Access Statement which refers to the Deposit Local Development Plan omits reference to Policy HN2 (Density and Mix of Development) which provides that new housing development should aim to provide a density of at least 30 dwellings per hectare and incorporate a mix of dwellings by type and size in order to make the most efficient use of available land and to meet the needs of residents for a range of house types thereby creating mixed and socially inclusive communities. A lower density of development will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances.
Policy HN2 further provides that in order to meet the variety of needs in Flintshire, a range of housing must be provided on sites. The Local Housing Market Assessment identified a particular need for smaller one and two bed units to meet the increasing need from single person households.
The Design and Access statement also fails to reference the Higher Kinnerton Village Plan, produced by residents and the Community Council with support and assistance from Flintshire County Council. The plan sets out the priorities for the future of the village from 2018 to 2030 including in the context of community growth through sensitive development. In this context, the Village Plan hi-lights that with an ageing population nationally and locally, serious consideration needs to be given on how housing should be provided for this section of our community, as well as the provision of affordable housing to encourage younger people to settle in Higher Kinnerton.
In this respect, HKCC do not consider the proposed housing design is policy compliant and furthermore, the proposed design has not taken into consideration the relevant provisions of the Village Plan. HKCC do not consider the development of 3×3 detached residential dwellings will meet local housing need for smaller, more affordable units.
- KEY DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS (Section 6 – Design and Access Statement)
With reference to the proposed development site being within a setting already well served by an established range of services, the Community Council has recently submitted a revised settlement audit to Flintshire County Council as part of the Local Development Plan process to reflect the limited range of services in the village which include a notable reduction in bus service provision and post office services.
With reference to paragraphs 6.7 and 6.9 of the Design and Access Statement, planning permission for the Kinnerton Meadows development was only granted on appeal on the basis that, in accordance with paragraph 6.2 of Technical Advice Note 1 (“TAN 1”), the Planning Inspector attached considerable weight to the lack of a five-year housing land supply as a material consideration in determining the planning application for housing. Based on the number of developers submitting speculative applications (such as this application) on the basis of TAN 1 and the consequent impact on the capacity of local planning authorities to focus on Local Development Plan (“LDP”) preparation to ensure the most appropriate housing sites are brought forward as part of a systematic and rigorous LDP process, paragraph 6.2 of TAN 1 has been dis-applied regarding housing land supply. In this context, Paragraphs 6.7 and 6.9 of the Design and Access statement are both inaccurate and mis-leading.
- DESIGN (Section 7 – Design and Access Statement)
Having reviewed the proposed design and relevant plans, HKCC are concerned about the proposed layout and density of building design in the context of the overall size of the development site.
- HIGHWAYS, ACCESS AND PARKING (Paragraph 8 – Design and Access Statement)
The proposed provision of the minimum of two car parking spaces for each of the proposed 3 bedroom dwellings raises concerns that additional vehicles (e.g. should residents own in excess of two vehicles or when they have visitors) will consequently park on Main Road which would compromise highway safety and have a detrimental impact on nearby residents.
Higher Kinnerton Community Council therefore objects to Planning Application Reference 061092 for the material considerations detailed above and recommends that the Application be refused. In summary:
Kind Regards
Liz Corner
(Clerk to Higher Kinnerton Community Council)