Town and Community Councils are funded principally by an annual precept. Income and expenditure for the next financial year are calculated in the form of detailed budget forecasting.

The precept is included with residents’ council tax which is collected by Flintshire County Council and paid to the Community Council in three instalments. Community and Town Councils can apply for other funding such as grant and funding awards but do not receive funds directly from central government. The Community Council derives almost all of its funds from the precept which is shown on residents’ annual council tax bill.

The Community Council prepares an annual budget which is monitored throughout the financial year and which gives clarity and control of the money received and spent on behalf of residents. This method of budgeting ensures the Community Council adheres to governance and accountability requirements and enables the Community Council to decide which projects to pursue and how they can be best afforded.

Higher Kinnerton Community Council agreed the 2024/25 budget at the January 2024 full Council meeting and the 2023/24 budget was agreed at the January 2023 full Council meeting.

Budget 2024-2025

Budget 2023-2024

Annual Returns

 Since 2015 it has been a requirement for all community councils to publish their audited statement of the council’s accounts ‘online’. In accordance with audit requirements approved annual returns for the last six financial years can be found below (noting that, in accordance with Community Council’s Accessibility Statement, the displayed Annual Returns may not meet website accessibility requirements). 

Copies of previous Annual Returns are available on request  via our Council Clerk either by post to Liz Corner, 13 Deans Way, Higher Kinnerton, CH4 9DZ or by email