Higher Kinnerton Village Day

August 2023. This year’s Village Day was held on the afternoon of Saturday July 29th and what a glorious sun-filled afternoon it turned out to be. Fears of rain disappeared under blue skies as the village turned out en masse to enjoy themselves. With live entertainment in the form of music and a display by the colourful Kinnerton Morris team, all brilliantly choreographed by the ever-reliable Jordan Barnes, plenty of stalls and sideshows, all manner of activities for children of all ages, not to mention the spectacle of the traditional races and tug-o’war there was plenty to entertain. It was wonderful to see so many smiles as villagers relaxed and chatted in the warm afternoon sunshine. We would like to thank the Scouts for hosting the barbecue at such short notice and completely smashing it with arguably the best barbecue in the history of Village Day! And to everyone who helped to make this such a memorable event – organisers, helpers, stall-holders, entertainers and most especially all of you who turned out – a huge heartfelt thank you.